He wrote all his life, he wrote for the Million but was he an Author? by Julia Jones
Over the next fifty years until his death in 1936 he wrote at least ninety-eight identifiably separate serials which were published at least two hundred and ninety nine times in various formats (re-print, abridgement, re-write, re-format) in at least fifty-eight different periodicals or newsagent’s ‘libraries’. The weekly readership of some of these papers was measured in the hundreds of thousands or even millions. Over the fifty years of his publishing career Allingham’s words touched the lives of many working people -- many of them among the most financially impoverished in society.
Yet Allingham did not consider himself to be a ‘proper’ author. To be a proper author, he told his younger daughter, Joyce, you had to be published in hard covers. His older daughter Margery achieved this distinction in 1924, also aged 19, when her first novel, Blackkerchief Dick, was published by Hodder & Stoughton for 7s 6d. By 1924 the papers in which her father’s work was cost tuppence rather than a penny – which would mean that on

The genres are not, however, interchangeable. Margery Allingham’s 7s 6d novel had been rejected by even a relatively up-market story paper as “insufficiently exciting” for serial publication. When, in the early 1930s, she wrote weekly serials for Answers her style was utterly different from the Campion detective novels she was producing for the hardback market – and much closer to the melodramas that her father had been writing throughout his working life. The requirements for fiction when it is published as journalism are different from fiction when presented in volume form. Even Dickens’s novels required revision when they migrated out of Household Words or All the Year Round and into hard cover editions.
Allingham had s

The great age of print for popular entertainment was almost over. As well as cinema, wireless was increasingly competing for attention in households with a little more than minimal disposable income. Allingham’s Indian Summer of success came during the depression years of the early 1930s when a combination of penury and a need for comfort reading pushed many people (women in particular) into buying mass-circulation, value-for-money magazines such as the Family Journal and the Household Companion. 1936, the year Allingham died, was the inauguration of the BBC TV service but it’s probably more significant to notice that the early months of 1937, when the last of his serial stories were still being published, saw the first episodes of the world’s longest running wireless soap opera. Entertainment media was diversifying and printed instalment fiction was being superseded.
Allingham had been a master of his dying craft. His serial stories had usually been the lead items in all of these ephemeral, cheaply produced papers: millions of readers had speculated eagerly what might happen next yet none of them would have known anything about the person behind the fiction. Not even his name. There were no obituaries or even foot of the page notifications when he died. For his readers he had only existed as ‘the author of …’– and the title of his most recent serial for that particular paper would be included. He w

I was given Allingham’s archive by Joyce Allingham and have spent years cataloguing and trying to understand it. Writing his biography has challenged almost every one of my assumptions about literature, authorship and relative cultural values. Rather in the same way that e-publishing is currently forcing so many of us to think again.
Julia... yes, ebook it! Very very interesting post and I want the 'spin off'... I shall now go and HUNT DOWN Herbert! I empathise with your comments re research recontexualising and changing one's views...before writing Brand Loyalty I read all 12 volumes of George Orwell's letters and I found so much in there which showed me that many of the struggles/travails of a writer and of broadcasting that I'd assumed were specific to 'our day' were actually all going on in 30's and 40's as well..(as well as socio/political gripes and 'trends') and it made me realise they are ALWAYS going in, it's we who are the change, our personal perspective is often the variable in the equation! I'd like to explain myself better but I feel the 'box' format of comments is strangely restrictive in terms of allowing intelligent discourse. Nice blog though. Well said.
(Must stop chatting and write Harry Smith review for IEBR ... today's task)
About 19th century jounalism and literacy, Julia: you must know George Gissing's New Grub Street. I can never make up my mind whether Whelpdale's forecast of what universal literacy would mean was either all too true or a class-ridden establishment view of the capacity and potential of the newly-literate working classes of which he should have been thoroughly ashamed. Whichever it was, it's still relevant. Nothing changes. You're right there, Cally.
Allingham was even 'worse' as he wrote for the non-aspiring. People who didn't want to better themselves but simply wanted entertainment and escape , a good story to brighten a few snatched moments of leisure in hard dull lives. And he really gave it his best shot, respected his readers and laboured for them.
Dennis - Me too Roy of the Rovers and Hotspur AND I used to be babysat by one who drew Desperate Dan/ Beano characters! (childhood in Dundee DC Thompson land)
Dan - I was 'nearly' a soap writer (well, I got sacked off The Tribe and never quite 'made it' to Take the High Road and almost almost got onto Holby City) So.. 11 years in London not wasted then eh? But I could bore you for hours about screenwriters for soaps.. life is far too short for that.
Julia.. sorry to hijack the more important and interesting parts of your post (that tends to happen around comment 10 doesn't it?) It's like pub chat (I can't remember when I was last in a pub, 10 years?) a good conversation gets hijacked or you listen in to someone else's or someone more drunk than you makes a stupid joke.... One to One conversation so much better but not exactly in the spirit of the blog I suppose. That's what emails for.. or LIVE face to face. One day.
and, hem hem, if you're looking for a soap script writer, chaps and chapesses, look no further than me. i did it on brookside for a couple of years, with jimmy mcgovern, frank cottrell boyce, andy lynch (who i'm dining with on wednesday) and other stalwarts. sadly - because the dosh was good - i didn't really enjoy it much and quit, to everyone's fiscal astonishment, including my many dependants'. writing by committee just didn't float my boat, and what does money matter? bloody idiot!
Enjoyed your Dooms review, by the way. Archie a great Horrible Histories fan - and is planning to do it for A Level. If only the little blighted would read I'd give him Joslin (full of action etc etc) but he won't. Only listens to audios
Thoroughly enjoying Joslin pt1. Hope you won't be deterred from converting (and then recording!) the rest.