Jane Adams. Hello....and Goodbye

This is going to be my last post for Authors Electric. Not because I don’t like the Blog – I’ve learnt an enormous amount from participating – or the people – all lovely, talented and generous with their time and advice, but simply because I’ve become overloaded with THINGS I HAVE TO DO and some others just have to be abandoned.

The truth is, everyone who contributes to this blog is busy. We write, many of us teach or have jobs other than writing and have families and commitments. The simple fact is that although we may think of ourselves as writers, that’s only a part of what we get up to in the average week and my average week seems to have become a bit more complicated of late.

Not that I’m complaining. I’m really excited by it all and just occasionally also a bit daunted!

I’m currently working on a book for Severn House – another in the Naomi Blake series and I have a new Rina Martin out at the end of May and I’m trying to get to grips with other writing projects that have been on the back burner for far too long as well as the more and more necessary acts of blogging, social networks and the like. I’m also working very much full time in the new business ventures I’m setting up with my husband and son. We’ve been working in our own ways on different things for a while now, but the time has come to really get things properly off the ground, new jewellery lines launched and so on. And I’m finally getting my art work into galleries, and selling enough for painting and so on to become a part of my working week. I’m really chuffed about that, but I’m also having to get rather better at a very different kind of time management!

So, I’ve got to focus and AE is one of the things that I am, regretfully, having to shed – though I shall be checking in regularly to see what’s going on! I know that new and wonderful developments are afoot for the AE collective, so everyone should keep on watching this space.

Best wishes to you all

Jane Adams


Susan Price said…
Thanks for dropping in to say goodbye, Jane! We're sorry to lost you, but your new ventures sound so exciting we can't wish to hold you back.
We hope it's all a great success!
Kathleen Jones said…
Good luck Jane - it all sounds really exciting!
Dennis Hamley said…
So sorry you're going, Jane. But isn't it great to be constructively and relatively profitably busy! As the saying goes, 'If you want something done, ask a busy person.' Best of luck with both writing and painting. Both writing and painting go on in this house too, but it's two people, one activity each. But we help each other, which is wonderful
madwippitt said…
Sorry you're going - but all the things you have lined up sound hugely exciting. Best of luck with it all!

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