Roll Up, Roll Up FREE eBooks

Yes you did read that correctly - FREE eBooks.

In honour of and to celebrate World Book Night over the 23rd and 24th April 2011the eBooks listed below will be FREE to download. So please feel free to click on the link and download. 

Once you've filled your Kindle with some great new reads tell your friends and family to visit us and take the opportunity to discover something new.

And remember you don't have to have a Kindle to read these eBooks and enjoy them for FREE. Simply download the free app, so you can read them on your PC, Mac or Android phone. Just follow the 'No Kindle? No problem! link on the right. 

We hope you enjoy!

PLEASE NOTE: If visiting us a.m. on the 23rd our books may not be showing free on Amazon. It can take a few hours for them to change the books price to free. Simply bookmark our blog and come back in a few hours.  

But here are the free books:-

Emotional Health For Emotional Wealth by Susan Jane Smith

Genre: Non-fiction self-help
View on Amazon UK and Amazon US 
Child abuse, bullying, rape, domestic violence, alcoholism and depression are forms of emotional pain that need to be healed before a person can have emotional health.  Chapters on love, parenting through divorce, anxiety, stress and bereavement are included.  The author’s experience led her to identify the changes people can make to move themselves from pain to health and on to emotional wealth.  That wealth not only creates happier people and healthier finances – it increases people’s integrity, compassion, respect and serenity which is something the author believes the world needs!

My Memories of a Future Life, Episode 1: The Red Season
by Roz Morris

Genre: Literary Fiction, women’s fiction 
FREE download from Amazon UK and Amazon US 
          The Red Season is the first episode of the four-part novel My Memories of a Future Life. Each episode is novella length (one-quarter of the full novel, which is 360 pages).
          If you were somebody’s past life… What echoes would you leave in their soul?
          Could they be the answers you need now?
          It’s a question Carol never expected to face. She’s a gifted musician who needs nothing more than her piano and certainly doesn’t believe she’s lived before. But forced by injury to stop playing, she fears her life may be over. Enter her soulmate Andreq: healer, liar, fraud and loyal friend. Is he her future incarnation or a psychological figment? And can his story help her discover how to live now?
           My Memories of a Future Life is much more than a 'who was I' tale. It’s a provocative study of the shadows we don’t know are driving our lives, from our own pasts and from the people with us right now. An examination of what we believe, what we create and how we scare and heal each other.
           Above all, it’s the story of how one lost soul searches for where she now belongs.

The Amber Heart by Catherine Czerkawska

Genre: Historical Fiction
FREE download from UK Amazon and US Amazon
The Amber Heart is an epic love story set in the troubled Eastern Borderlands of 19th Century Poland. Tackling adult themes with sensitivity, this is a vivid, dramatic and intensely romantic story of obsessive love and loyalty, of tragey and triumph, set against the backdrop of  a turbulent time and place. It has been described as ‘Zhivago-esque’ and if by that you mean the film rather than the book, it probably is! There is an ongoing blog about all things Polish, including food, to go with the book click here to view. 

Clever Rabbit by Lynne Garner 

Genre: Picture Book
FREE downloads: Kindle versions from Amazon UK and Amazon US plus app for iPhone and iPad  
Note: If the app link doesn't work then click here.

         This is one of three eBooks (one of four apps) that feature Burdock the Rabbit. In this story Burdock is playing hide and go seek and becomes lost. Thankfully Burdock has taken Rabbit with him. Now Rabbit is a very clever toy and he leaves a trail, so Burdock can follow it safely back home.

          This digital picture book helps young readers develop their reading skills and contains 21 hand drawn images, which help tell the story.

          If you would also like to download some FREE activity sheets to go with this book then just click here!

I hope you enjoy! 

Dancing With Fate by Hywela Lyn

Genre: Fantasy Romance (first published by The Wild Rose Press)
FREE to download from Smashwords  
When Terpsichore, the Greek Muse of Dance, is assigned to revisit 5th Century Wales, and help the people regain their love of dancing, her task seems simple enough. She is unaware there is a hidden agenda. Before she can return to Olympus her path crosses that of the mysterious Myrddin, and her heart is lost.

But Myrddin is promised to another. His mind is set on the dangerous task that lies before him, and the woman he has sworn to save. Nevertheless, he cannot deny the growing attraction between him and the beautiful stranger he meets along the way.

Terpsichore and Myrddin face a deadly force that threatens to part them forever. Is she destined to lose the only mortal man she has ever truly loved? Is there nothing she can do to save him? Finally, when all seems lost, in desperation she finds herself DANCING WITH FATE

Cover Art by the talented US author and cover artist Miss Mae to visit her website click here.  
Visit the authors website by clicking here 

Christopher Uptake By Susan Price

Genre: Historical Fiction
FREE to download from Amazon UK and Amazon US
‘Merry England’, during the reign of Good Queen Bess, was a police state.  It was a crime to miss attendance at the state church on Sunday, and a crime to hear a Catholic mass.  It was a crime to be ‘a free thinker’.   Christopher Uptake, a young playwright, is an atheist.  Living and writing in the crowded city, he thinks it has escaped notice that he never attends church – until the red-haired man appears at his door and gives him a choice: spy on your friends or be tortured and executed.
From then on, Chris plays a desperate game, trying to spare his friends yet save his own life…

Cover artwork by Andrew Price

Head and Tales by Susan Price

Genre: Historical Fiction
FREE download from Amazon UK and Amazon US
In ancient myth, the severed head stood for Wisdom.  In story after story, the severed head speaks and gives counsel.
A sick man, a story-teller, dying in a work-camp, fears for the children he’ll leave behind in a harsh world.
His last wish is that his head be cut off, and carried by his children on their long walk home to the grandmother they have never seen.
When they are tired, despairing, threatened, the head opens its eyes – and tells stories.  Words have power.  Stories can be spells.
Here are the stories the head tells…

Cover Art Work by Andrew Price.

Twice Times Danger by Enid Richemont

Genre: Thriller (age 9+)
FREE to download from Amazon UK and Amazon US
Becca and Daisie have been best friends for two years but their friendship has grown increasingly strained during the summer holidays before starting at different schools. Then Perdita turns up. Posh, bossy, rich Perdita, not Cornish like the others but a summer visitor, an 'emmet', and so identical to Daisie they could be twins (even Daisie's dog Dracula has trouble telling them apart). And from the moment the two girls meet, Becca becomes an outsider, a stooge in their games of swapping identities. But what begins as a joke to fool Dita's au pair, becomes deadly serious when Daisie goes missing.

Becca must solve this sinister mystery to prevent twice times danger turning into double death.

The Independent on Sunday:
"This spirited adventure story for girls has two children (and a dog) uniting to solve a crime that baffles police."

Times Educational Supplement:
" intriguing thriller about the jealousies of friendship... warm-hearted, unambiguous... well-judged for the older junior/early secondary level."

The Stone That Grew by Enid Richemont

Genre: An ecological fantasy ( ages 8+). First published by Walker. Books
FREE download from Amazon UK and Amazon US
Katie finds the stone in an old box in the loft. It doesn't look like much at first, but then it does something amazing: it grows! Katie thinks it's wonderful. What's more, it's hers and she's not going to share it; it's bad enough having to share Mum with her little stepbrother, Jake. It might even be a way of getting in with Sarah and her gang. Meanwhile the stone continues to grow... and grow!

Dragoncat by Enid Richemont

Genre: Children's Fiction, first published by Squinx Ink for the Kindle 
FREE download from Amazon UK and Amazon US
Lulu, the cat that lives in a small Chinese supermarket, has just had five kittens. Wing-Yu would like to keep them all - especially the dud one with odd flaps of skin. Pa, however, has other ideas. That dud kitten would look bad in his food store, and what's more, everything has to be perfect for Grandpa's visit  from Hong Kong to celebrate Wing-Yu's baby sister's One Month Feast. Pa would secretly like to have the kitten put down, but finally he lets Wing-Yu keep it outside in the shed.

On the day the kitten escapes into the shop and appears to fly, Pa's really had enough. "Bad for business," he says. "We'll have the health inspectors around". But when racist yobs target the shop, Pa changes his mind, and even Grandpa seems to approve. "He's like a little dragon," says Grandpa, "and dragons bring good luck."

DRAGONCAT is set in London's Chinese community, and is based on a real shop in Stroud Green.

The Boy With the Hawk-like Eyes by Sheridan Winn

Genre: Fantasy Adventure aimed at 'tween' readers
FREE download from Amazon UK and Amazon US
‘The Boy With Hawk-like Eyes’ is the sixth in Sheridan Winn’s Sprite Sister series. These fantasy adventure stories have been bestsellers for Fischer Verlag, with 200,000 hardback copies sold in Germany. Piccadilly Press published the first five titles in the UK, where the books have a keen fan base.
It’s a year and a half since the Sprite Sisters last used their magic powers. Amidst much bickering, Flame and Marina are busy with their teenage social lives and even Ash seems to have forgotten about magic. As Ariel harnesses her power of Air to learn to fly, a strange boy comes to Sprite Towers and the family is threatened by the invasion of terrifying, insect-like creatures. With dark magic unleashed in the old house and the air turning poisonous, the Sprite Sisters must quickly find a way to remember their powers.

‘Have you ever thought about flying?’ said Zak.
Ariel blinked. ‘In an aeroplane?’
‘No. Lifting your arms and soaring into the air.’
Ariel stared at Zak. She could feel his eyes boring into her and the colour rising
in her cheeks. She had been flying over Sprite Towers last night!
What should she say? ‘No,’ she said, with a shake of her head. ‘Why, have you?’
Zak grinned. ‘Yes – flying is cool. You should try it.’

Other books available in series: Four Sisters, Four Elements, Four Powers

Stealing The Show By Ann Evans

Genre: A great whodunnit for anyone aged 8years and above.
FREE download from UK Amazon and US Amazon 
It’s the chance of a lifetime. Emma and Lucy have won a competition to spend the weekend with the hottest new boy-band around, Street Wise. Flying to France on their private jet, watching the concerts, going backstage… It all sounds brilliant. Until something deadly happens…

Stealing the Show is part of the series: Little Tyke Murder Mysteries. Other titles are: Fishing for Clues; Pushing his Luck and Pointing the Finger.

The Long Journey of Joslin de Lay 1

Of Dooms And Death By Dennis Hamley

Genres; Mystery, crime, historical, thriller, young adult

FREE download from Amazon UK and Amazon US 

It is 1369 and England and France are at war. Joslin de Lay is a minstrel like his father. But when English lords visit the French castle in which they live, his father is murdered and Joslin escapes to hostile England, charged with a quest to Wales to find his lost mother. And a mysterious, threatening man follows him secretly.

But no sooner does Joslin land in England than he is embroiled in murder. The great Doom painting is taking shape in Stovenham Church, but each time the face of one of the damned is painted, the person whose portrait it is meets a violent death. ‘The devil walks abroad in Stovenham,” says the travelling friar. There is danger, heartache and cruel murder before the truth is known and Joslin can continue his journey.

There was no doubt. Near where the altar had once been been were legs encased in green hose, a barrel chest in a red doublet and shiny leather jerkin. Whoever it was looked sound asleep.
Fearfully, Joslin crept closer.
Then he caught his breath. He knew who lay there. And he was not asleep.

Charity’s Child – Dark Deed or Virgin Birth? by Rosalie Warren

Genre: YA Psychological Suspense (age 14+)
FREE download from Amazon UK and Amazon US
A Virgin Birth?

It’s 1984 and Charity Baker, aged 16, is pregnant.

Who is the father of her child? Could it be Alan, assistant pastor of the Crabapple Christian Fellowship? Or could the father, as Charity is claiming, actually be God? Charity’s friend Joanne has her own reasons for needing an answer. But the truth, when it  emerges, is dark enough to shake the strongest faith.

The Great Rosette Robbery and other stories by Karen Bush

Genre: Children's Fiction
FREE to download from Amazon UK and Amazon US 
A pony that won’t jump: a talented horse loses his nerve: an equine escape artist saves the day: a missed show results in a dream coming true and a lost rosette leads to the opportunity of a lifetime – just a few of the exciting stories in this collection of horse and pony stories. There is also an exclusive excerpt from a forthcoming full length pony book.

Midnight Blue by Pauline Fisk

Genre: Children's Fiction
FREE to download from Amazon UK and Amazon US
Bonnie wants to live with her mum, Maybelle, and Maybelle wants that too, but Grandbag’s always been in charge and won’t let go. Into this tangled tale steps a mysterious shadowboy with a hot air balloon fuelled by fire, smoke and more than a dash of magic. Another world awaits Bonnie beyond the blue veil of the sky, a world she’s always dreamt of, and now it looks as if it’s real. But is getting rid of Grandbag really as easy as simply flying away?

 ‘The scariest book I’ve read for years.’ Bookwitch; ‘This is fantasy at its best’.’ Fantasy Focus; ‘The kind of book that casts a spell over the imagination.’ Susan Hill, The Sunday Times; ‘Magical and scary.’ The Bookbag

"As they rose, the sun rose with them as if they were racing for the top of the sky. Its warmth welcomed them, turning the dark skin of the fiery balloon a beautiful midnight blue. They flew straight up. Above them, the sweet, clear music of the lonely pipe, the only sound left in the whole world, drew them on until they prepared to hit the very roof-top of the sky itself. Then the smooth sky puckered into cloth-of-blue and drew aside for them, like curtains parting. The music called again, and they passed straight through."

Christina Rossetti: Learning Not to be First by Kathleen Jones 

Genre: Biography
FREE down load from Amazon UK and Amazon US
This biography is a fresh and illuminating study of Christina Rossetti and her poetry. Kathleen Jones looks at her life alongside that of other nineteenth-century women writers - notably Emily Bronte, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Emily Dickinson. Christina was the youngest of the four Rossetti children, born in England to Italian parents. Although she and her brother, the artist Dante Gabriel, were known as the 'two storms', Christina's passionate nature was curbed in a way that her brother's was not, as she submitted to the social and religious pressures that lay so heavily on Victorian women. Like Elizabeth Barrett Browning, she suffered the tyranny of a loving family. Her sister Maria's influence was described as 'a species of police surveillance', and Christina was always careful never to write anything that would hurt her mother. Often referred to as the 'High Priestess of Pre-Raphaelitism' Christina had a genuine lyric gift that could articulate both the joy of being alive and the bitterness of loss. The loneliness of the unloved was her particular province. As her personal life became increasingly tragic, her output of religious poetry grew. Her desire for poetic excellence and moral excellence were continually in conflict and her poetry betrays the corrosive effect of this struggle. Christina's deliberate self-effacement, Dante Gabriel's portrayal of her as the meek virgin and William Rossetti's role as editor and interpreter of her work have gradually blotted out the passionate lively spirit who wrote with such simplicity and power. Learning Not To Be First strips away the shadows of Christina Rossetti's life to reveal her true self.

Voices in Ma Heid by Cally Phillips

Genre: Adult short stories
FREE download from Amazon UK and Amazon US   

Five short stories in Scots exploring those perennial Scottish themes: sex, football and politics. Dark and hard edged but humorous characters from ‘the scheme’ and wasters from ‘the pub’ discuss issues as diverse as Scottish History and what might have happened to Oor Wullie when he grows up.

These stories are adult in content and written in Scots dialect/language.

Cally Phillips is better known for her writing in English but these storeis reveal the ‘naked’ voice in her head before she translates it into the English people find easier to read.

A Game of Soldiers by Jan Needle

Genre: Novel
FREE download from Amazon UK and Amazon US
Three Falklands Island children are awoken by the sound of battle in the night. Next day, in the moorland near their homes, they come across a teenage Argentine conscript who has been badly hurt. Fired by their parents’ outrage at the invasion, they decide to kill him. It will not be easy – he has a rifle, they are unarmed – but it is their patriotic duty. As the day grinds on, the full horror of the situation slowly comes to them. As a TV serial, this was nominated for a Bafta award.

Kicking Off by Jan Needle

Genre: Thriller
FREE download from Amazon UK and Amazon US
When a hardman inmate is killed during a rooftop jail protest, a charismatic and ambitious junior minister is helicoptered in to save the situation. But he cuts corners too hard and too fast – and sets off an explosion of horrendous violence throughout an overcrowded, fissile system. Rosanna Nixon and her partner, a hard-bitten and cynical investigator, become embroiled in a dark web of politics, corruption – and murder.

Killing Time at Catterick by Jan Needle

Genre: Novel

FREE download from Amazon UK and Amazon US
Three teenagers – one white, one black, one Asian – join the British Army as a way of beating the jobs famine, and even giving something back to the society they were born into. For all of them it turns into a disaster. They recognise that they might be misfits, and try their hardest not to apportion blame as they become close friends. Their struggle against racism, bullying, drugs and drink becomes a struggle for survival. Based on real lives, this book has been nominated for the Orwell Prize. 

Silver and Blood – Return to Treasure Island by Jan Needle

Genre: Novel

FREE download from Amazon UK and Amazon US


Sequels have been written in plenty to R.L. Stevenson’s classic, but this version is NOT one of them. It takes a completely new look at the story, although bloodshed and violence are still the key. Now though, the piratical thugs use AK47s not flintlocks, and the multi-million pound Caribbean drugs trade is the backdrop. Jim, the only innocent, finds himself in a world of complete moral collapse. The question he must face, as he struggles to keep his life – is just who are the bad guys?

Firstborn by Karen King

Genre: Fastasy Adventure (9-12 years)
FREE download from Amazon UK and Amazon US
When Myden and Tsela are captured by the evil Isleck, they are determined to outwit them and escape. Bork the dragon comes to their aid, and soon they are all entangled in a dangerous quest to find the Golden Dragon and a battle to save Cryenia.

Learn more about Authors Electric, the authors and their 

books by visiting our new website!


madwippitt said…
Wooohoooo! I just downloaded everything! Happy reading!
Kathleen Jones said…
Have 'bought' everything and tweeted everything! Good luck everyone.
We are almost up to 15000 page views of the blog!
katsrus said…
Thank you so much to all these great authors.
Sue B
Ann Evans said…
Happily downloading! So looking forward to reading everyone's books.
Pauline Fisk said…
Of course this has to be the day when my kindle isn't working properly and won't download. But two phone calls to Amazon later [aren't they so polite - and patient too] it's all sorted and you're all downloaded. Thank you, one and all.

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