I'm Now Going To Admit Something - Lynne Garner
I'm now going to admit something. I used to be a publishing snob. By this I mean I used to believe if you couldn't get a publishing deal then there must be something wrong with your writing. My reasoning behind this was:
When I sent in my first non-fiction book proposal it was accepted. When I sent in my first fiction title (a picture book) although the publisher didn't take it I was asked to write something else for them. So if I could achieve this then surely anyone else who could write would be offered a book deal.
I'd read some self-published work and it was awful. There were either huge holes in the plot, I didn't bond with the characters, there was spelling, grammatical errors etc. etc. This obviously backed up my first reason for my belief.
However as time went on my views changed. I began to realise there are a hundred and one reasons why a publisher will turn down a book and a large percentage of the reasons have nothing to do with the quality of the writing. For example I've read and enjoyed a few books written by members of this team (sorry folks I've downloaded many of your titles I've just got go to reading them). These books include:
The Great Rosette Robbery by Karen Bush
Christopher Uptake by Susan Price
The Survival of Thomas Ford by John A. A. Logan
The Fulcrum Files by Mark Chisnell
Voices in Ma Head by Cally Phillips
Some of these books were at one time published by a traditional publisher but have gone out of print whilst others have just been self-published. I now believe the difference between todays self-publishing author and those I read some ten to fifteen years ago is attitude. All those on the EA team take great pride in what they publish. They draft and redraft, they ensure the work is the best they can make it. Some pay for the relevant professional to help them in this quest. I know I have. They realise every time their book is sold they are placing their reputation as a writer on the line, so it is in their interest to write well.
Why have I made this admission? Well I know this is unlikely (knowing the subject matter of this blog) but my hope is one or two publishing snobs might stumble upon it and they may be willing to have their minds changed. So if you are a publishing snob please click here, browse our catalogue, download a book and be prepared to enjoy a damn good read. If you're not a publishing snob why not click on the link as well, have a peruse and give a writer you've never read before a try.
Side note:
As I created the links for the above books I noticed one had a five star Amazon rating whilst the others had a four and a half star rating - which I believe just goes to show what great great read self-published books can be.
Lynne Garner
Of course it's not an absolute figure, as there are plenty of traditionally published books that are also awful. Oh, miaow...
Dennis - Vanity publishers are still out there. I've helped two ex-students in the last year avoid the trap they set.
And now I'm going to admit something. With a very few possible exceptions, I have yet to find the George Eliot or even Hilary Mantel of contemporary self-publishing. Which doesn't mean I believe it's impossible, or that I won't keep looking...