Creating a book on Createspace – Lynne Garner

A collection of 16 short stories
If you’ve read some of my previous blog posts you’ll know some time ago I decided to turn my two Anansi the Trickster Spider eBooks into a POD (print on demand) book. At last Anansi the Trickster Spider (volumes one and two) is available via Amazon plus a few other outlets.

Now we (my other-half was drafted in to help) decided to create the book using Creatspace. Although it was easy to use we were totally unprepared. We naively set up an account and went in thinking we’d upload a file, choose the font style and size and off we’d go. Then came the surprise (yes I know, you don’t need to tell me, we should have realised it's not that simple) we had to answer quite a few questions. Questions such as:
  •  Do you require page numbers?
  • Would you like the numbering to start with the introduction or with the first story?    
  • Have you considered an index?
  • How about something in the page header e.g. the books title or story title

A little surprised by what idiots we’d were we grabbed some books to research what others had done. Slowly we started to make decisions. However as we made each decision we realised there were others we had to make. For example: We decided we wanted something in the page header and this would be the book’s title on every left hand page and the story title of every right hand page. But we then had to decide if we wanted to use a mixture of upper and lower case letters or all upper case. In the end we opted for all upper case.

So a number of hours after we set up our account (more than I'd like to admit) we were finally able to press ‘send proof.’

So you may be wondering why I'm telling you this. Well it's my round-about way of saying if you decide to set up a POD book then please learn from our mistake, make all those small but important decisions before you start. It'll hopefully save you time and make the process even easier.




Mari Biella said…
Thanks for this advice, Lynne - as someone who's considering dipping her toe in the water with Createspace, I might need it!
JO said…
I used Catherine Ryan Howard's book 'Self Printed' - she's very bossy and repeats herself in places, but it is an idiot's guide to the techno stuff - both POD and digital.
Susan Price said…
Thanks for that tip, Jo!
Chris Longmuir said…
I agree with the comment - be prepared - make your decisions beforehand. I now have 5 books formatted for CreateSpace, 3 of them in print, and 2 where my finger is hovering over the publish button. I use the CreateSpace formatted templates, but it's a laborious process pasting in your book, one chapter at a time, however this ensures the headings are in the correct place and the numbers start and end when they should do. The other thing I've learned along the way is to have your book description and bio ready to paste in, this applies to KDP as well. The first time I published I was scrabbling about writing descriptions etc at the same time as trying to publish. Not a good idea, the description suffers from being too hurried.
Ann Evans said…
Thanks for the tips. It's never easy is it. For anyone struggling with formatting an ebook, I've found Mike Boxwell's 'Make an EBook' a useful guide.
Even so, I don't seem to be able to get the index right to please Smashwords with my Become a Writer book, even though it's okay on Amazon.
Lynne Garner said…
Thanks for the suggested books - will add them to my library as I have more books I want to put up.

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