All in a day's work by Ann Evans

Apologies for being so late on duty!

I didn't highlight doing today's Authors Electric blog in my diary, which is pretty fatal. Well caught on the hop with nothing planned, here's a quick run down of a day in a writer's life – well this writer.

Yesterday I drove from Coventry to Worcester to meet up with fellow author, Karen King. We do a joint school visit thing, called KAT, Kids and Authors Together, also Karen and Ann Together, inspiring younger readers to enjoy books and their creative writing.

We were just creating a KAT facebook page (check it out) when I got a phone call from BBC Coventry & Warwickshire Radio.

They wondered if I'd like to go in and talk about audio books. But seeing as I don't know anything about audio books, I said as much, but got chatting about what Karen and I were actually doing that moment.

 Low and behold, we were invited to go in today and chat about inspiring kids to read and write.

Well Karen admitted that she's done one radio interview in her life, and later when she went into her local, they'd recorded it, and played it back – much to her embarrassment. So she vowed, never again.

However, I told her it would be fun, so we went along today and did the interview. And it was fun!

Afterwards I dropped Karen back to the station, drove to Nuneaton (my workplace) to get some writing done. On deadline for B-C-ing-U magazine. But I needed to interview a man about a bus (well a 100 of them actually) (Bus Festival at Gaydon coming up - check that out all you bus fanatics.

Then had to reduced the size of some prints to show a customer (my other hat on for a minute); interviewed my bus man -  very quickly as customer was coming back with cash. My shorthand speed shot up!

That done, nipped into kitchen to make a quick cuppa – and three spiders – THREE spiders were playing about in the sink.

I had to capture them, one at a time, get them into my washing up bowl (empty) and re-home them outside in the grass. Felt extremely pleased with myself afterwards for bravery!

Back indoors, check Facebook. Aahh! Forgot to do a blog!

Here it is sorry for the late arrival.

Please check out my website.


Lydia Bennet said…
Pretty good blog considering it was spontaneous! Very interesting projects. It's always fascinating to know what other writers get up to! Well done on rounding up the spiders, if you'd left it much longer there'd have only been one, of course...
Dennis Hamley said…
Gosh, Ann, you live a busy life! Great stuff.
Karen said…
We live a crazy life, Ann.:)

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