In an App-y Place - Lynne Garner
Just before Christmas I realised I had some store vouchers that needed to be spent. So I went online looking for something sensible to spend said vouchers on. To my surprise I discovered I could purchase a Kindle Fire for the grand total of £9.00 (once the vouchers had been redeemed). So I pushed the boat out, put sensible aside and treated myself.
My excuse for being so frivolous was not to have a new toy to play Candy Crush on or to be able to read in the dark. My excuse was I wanted something that might help me find more time to write (it’s amazing how much wasted time you can claw back if you plan). You see 2015 wasn’t very productive (for a number of reasons) so I wanted to take a positive step towards making 2016 very productive. I’ll admit a lot of game play has taken place but my new ‘toy’ has also inspired new ideas. These include a craft title (hence new low tech crocheted covers for my new Kindle), a series of magazine features and a few short stories (which I think will become picture book stories).
The ideas for the magazine features came from some of the apps I downloaded for my other job (I teach creative crafts and creative writing on a part-time basis). The apps have become my muse (who was most definitely on holiday during the last half of 2015) and supplied me with a few ideas for short stories. So now fuelled with new ideas by my new Kindle and the apps I've down loaded 2016 sees me in an app-y place. The added bonus is I no longer feel guilty about the frivolous spending of those store vouchers.
Now for a blatant plug - don't say I didn't warn you:
My latest short story collection Coyote Tales Retold is available on Amazon in ebook format. Also available Meet The Tricksters a collection of 18 short stories featuring Anansi the Trickster Spider, Brer Rabbit and Coyote is available as a paper back and an ebook.
I run the following online courses for Women On Writing:How to write A children's book and get published
5 picture books in 5 weeks
How to write a hobby-based how to book