Notes from a reformed perfectionist: N M Browne

Once upon a time I was a perfectionist. This will come as a surprise to anyone who has known me over the last thirty years. I am untidy, careless, a last minute by the skin of my teeth kind of person, an optimistic, ‘it’ll be all right on the night’ under-preparer. Long ago, in the days when my hair was long and brown and I’d never heard of anti wrinkle night cream, I was conscientious, disciplined, ambitious and er teetotal. God, I miss that girl. She would have a clean, well-organised office, a full work schedule and would probably be far too busy doing something important to write a rambling self-indulgent blog. However, I can’t entirely regret her demise because, though a small number of brilliant perfectionists publish incredible books, I suspect that most perfectionists don’t publish anything at all – lost in an eternal editing loop: nothing is ever perfect. I was made very aware of what I’d lost when I was chatting to a fri...