Like a Radiant Goddess -- by RUTH LEIGH

Now I don’t know about you, but I often struggle with the way I look. When I was a Young Thing, I could stay up half the night, go out dancing and perhaps even down a Fuzzy Navel or ten and still look dewy and radiant in the morning. I would wash my visage and an entire new face would emerge, wrinkle-free, to greet the day. 

I am now in my mid-fifties, a difficult time. I am keeping myself up fairly well, with carefully chosen clothes and accessories, constant colouring of the hair and a cruelty-free vegan range of make up (you know the one). Still, I often catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and think, “Who the heck is that tired-looking old girl?”

However, in the last few weeks, I have suddenly become radiantly, irresistibly attractive. Really. I’m not making it up. I am a chap magnet! Men are constantly messaging me, asking me if we can meet, if I know what a beautiful woman I am and addressing me as, “Pretty lady.” Hundreds of them. Literally hundreds. 

Why? Because I joined TikTok.

In case you think I’m delusional, let me share some of the overtures these gentlemen have made. Snappily monikered User163302625 had this to say. 

“Hello I am not comfortable with making the first approach, but looking at your profile, I think it’s worth it. I love your smiles and I look forward to getting to know you better.”

 Having fought his natural restraint and won, my new admirer carried on liking all my videos, presumably because of my smiles. Austin S Miller (a 4-star general in the United States Army and former Delta Force captain, lots of pictures of him and the Stars and Stripes) addressed me as, “pretty lady” (that’s Mrs Leigh to you, Austin) and asked me how I was doing, presumably with a view to getting to know me just a little better. 

Chris Simons311 came straight to the point.

“Hello are you sugar baby I’m looking for a sincere sugar baby who is need of a sugar daddy to spoil you and also help financially are you willing to be one?”

As you can imagine, I was sorely tempted by his offer, but his lack of understanding of the basics of punctuation put me off. Imagine my surprise when Jeffreyadam29 contacted me, apologising for disturbing my privacy and asking me if I’d like him to be my sugar daddy. It may well be that he and Chris are chums. Who knows.

I thought it discourteous not to reply to his impassioned request. I replied thus.

“Good evening. In what sense do you mean a sugar baby? If you are implying that I am sweet, then I would suggest that this is a fairly hackneyed metaphor. As to me being a baby, I’m afraid that you are labouring under a delusion. I am a happily married woman of indeterminate years. I trust that this answers your question.”

To which he replied: “I’m looking for a sincere sugar baby who is in need of a sugar daddy to spoil you and also help financially are you willing to be one??”

Note the slightly peevish two question marks. He seemed to have misunderstood my question so I ended our correspondence. Scott James got in touch, hailing me in a somewhat archaic fashion. 

“Hello damsel!”

I wondered if he had perhaps mistaken me for fellow AE author Joy Margetts, who is more in the damsel market than I. 

A number of chaps contacted me to tell me they were attracted by my beauty and to check up on the weather conditions. Richard Martin took a different tack. 

“Hello, I am Martin from Alberta Canada. Pls, what is your real name and location?” 

His message was written in italics, giving it an air of mystery. I still wasn’t interested enough to tell him my real name and location[1]. 

Lots of other gentlemen messaged me to praise my radiant beauty and sincere smile, but I have neither the time nor patience to list them all. Suffice it to say that TikTok has changed my life. I’m feeling prettier, smiling more, anticipating yet more offers of financial help. 

Seriously, though, it has been fun. I’m working hard to build up a good following, learning the joys of filming and soundtracks and annoying my children just by being on there. And really, who can ask for any more than that?

Images by Pixabay and Unsplash

Ruth is a novelist and freelance writer. She is married with three children, one husband, assorted poultry and a kitten. She is the author of “The Diary of Isabella M Smugge”, “The Trials of Isabella M Smugge” and is currently writing “The Continued Times of Isabella M Smugge”. She writes for a number of small businesses and charities, reviews books for Reading Between the Lines and blogs at Ruth has abnormally narrow sinuses and a morbid fear of raw tomatoes, but has decided not to let this get in the way of a meaningful life. You can find her on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok at @ruthleighwrites and at her website,

[1] It’s Dolores Concepcion Ollerenshaw if you must know, of Chorlton-cum-Hardy


Susan Price said…
This made me laugh aloud, Ruth!
For some time now I've been on the recieving end of FB messages and friend requests from high ranking American officers and surgeons, often pictured cuddling a dog or cat, and all of them insisting that the mere glimpse of my plain-as-a-bun mug on-line has caused them to love me with a passion that Shakespeare's Antony couldn't match.
My cousin Alan, a mere two months older than me, tells me he constantly recieves messages from glamourous young women who are yearning for him, yearning, after one glimpse of his moustache.
What a world, eh?

Beat them off with a stick, Ruth and good luck with TikTok!
Joy Margetts said…
Hello damsel???! Brilliant fun as always you gorgeous woman 😁 I haven't ventured into Tiktok territory yet,but have my own growing collection of adoring single male fans on Instagram. A Sheik even offered me marriage once. Hubby and I guffawed. He did make the mistake of wondering out loud how many camels he might get for me though...
Peter Leyland said…
Not quite the same thing but I read a really interesting article about online dating by Emma Brock in Friday's Guardian. I'm so glad I didn't have to go there. Not that I'm blaming anyone who does. Things are of their time, I guess.
Ruth Leigh said…
I'm glad it made you laugh, Susan! I have heard tell of a thing called filters which the youngsters use (not the coffee sort) and it may well be that our faces are extra radiant because of these. Who knows. Good to know that this Mexican wave of beautification isn't just limited to me. Maybe I should grow a moustache to add to my attractions ....
Ruth Leigh said…
A Sheikh, eh? Well done. No one has offered me their hand yet, but they are very keen on going out on a date with me, which I am sure would lead to nuptials. Surely a whole herd of them!
Ruth Leigh said…
I am too old for TikTok, really, Peter, but BookTok is OK. It's full of nice middle aged people who write books. The manbots are just a minor annoyance. But they did provide me with content for a blog and for that I thank them.
Amanda Bedzrah said…
Sugar baby …. Love that.

I’m trying TikTok. I’m not loving it yet, feels a bit weird.

I do love your videos though
Ruth Leigh said…
Took me a while, Amanda. You just need to find your tribe. I sort of have now and it takes time to get your head around the whole business
Wendy H. Jones said…
This really did make me laugh out loud. These TikTok fake accounts can be and endless source of both irritation and fun. It’s no wonder they find you irresistible though. Great blog.
SC Skillman said…
This was hilarious! I've had a few of those Ruth. It must be TikTok's soft filter that does it.
Ruth Leigh said…
I've been very fortunate with content of late. My ACW blog leapt from a verse Joy M gave me, then the manbots came calling and of course I have my very own wannabe troll now who will be featuring on my own blog next week. Natch. I am just oozing glamour and allure, innit!! Glad you liked it
Ruth Leigh said…
I think we are too modest about our radiant good looks and charm, Sheila!
Brilliant blog! I had several guys lined up before I even posted my first video...! Excited to finally have joined Tiktok, hope to learn more!
Ruth Leigh said…
Not a surprise - one minute home schooling mother of four with a Viking helmet, the next a houri waving her veils seductively. Welcome aboard, Maressa
Sure you haven't gone to sleep Ruth and woken Issy? As a middle aged woman the difference in appearance just might be a little less obvious?
Ruth Leigh said…
You'd think, but no! These manbots are being drawn in by the usual picture of me staring thoughtfully into the middle distance. I expect Issy's people sort out this kind of annoyance for her.
Moira G said…
Oh Sugar! So entertaining 😆 thank you to the laugh out loud blog. You are too modest about your charms but these hapless folk are onto plums anyway as your heart belongs only to the equally ( but different) Mr L ! Social media indeed needs to be used cautiously and with a large bucket of salt on the side. However the entertaining blogs that they provide us with are just little gems.
Ruth Leigh said…
Indeed! I met my sugar daddy nearly 40 years ago and he has provided for all my needs ever since as you know! I have been overwhelmed with chuckleworthy content by these hapless fools - which has to be good! Glad you enjoyed it
Reb MacRath said…
Wonderful post,Ruth.

I am well advised to steer clear
Of TikTok.
Ruth Leigh said…
Thanks so much, Reb! It is certainly a strange place
Jenny Sanders said…
Radiant Ruth, does have a certain ring to it, but not the sort you want on your fourth finger. Hurrah for taking things with a pinch of salt, a shedload of levity and much giggling on the side. I believe there was some chat about camels in the garden just a few days ago so perhaps someone has sent them along in advance. Very Biblical.

Thanks for giving us all a smile, Ruth. All this material will make for a great stand-up routine before long.
Ruth Leigh said…
Indeed there was. It's almost like the two are linked, or that my writing is somehow following a theme. Standup, eh? Well, it's a thought ....