We can Travel Again, Yipee by Wendy H. Jones
I'm going to be honest here and say I was fresh out of ideas for this month's blog. The more I searched my brain, the more it said, "Get lost, I'm having time off." No amount of cajoling would make it change its mind. So here I was with blank page syndrome on steroids. I thought I would turn to previous posts from my own blog - Bookaholic. This one from 2016 immediately leapt out at me and I just knew I had to riff off that. It's perfect as the world is just opening up to travel again.
Original Blog Post - The Joy of Constant Travel
I've been flying around the world recently as well as chasing around the UK. Life as a writer is so busy and often I think that I don't have time for any of this. It's getting in the way of me actually doing any writing. But on a number of occasions I have discovered that travelling can also broaden and enrich my abilities as a writer.
This morning I was on my way to The British Library. To get from where I was staying I had to change from the rail network to the London Underground. As Tower Bridge Station is undergoing renovation there is a long walk to get to the underground station. At a number of places along the route there are staff members guiding travellers in the right direction. Now this seems, to me, to be quintessentially British. It's like the tube are saying we have inconvenienced you but not that much because we are helping your commute to go well.
One of these staff members took it one step further. In fact I think they took it a whole heap further. He was saying, "It's Friday. leave work 15 minutes early. Relax, start your weekend well, go for a drink and take it easy."
Now how cool is that? It was sad that most of the commuters were paying him no notice. They were doing what they always do and putting one foot in front of the other. Intent only on getting to work they were unaware of what was happening around them. As I had no clue what I was doing I was taking everything in. I was able to notice the kindness of one stranger who was doing his best to make life more pleasant for commuters in the Capital.
How much do I often miss by not taking in my surroundings. As a writer I should be inquisitive and looking around. Looking for nuggets which could shape scenes, settings or characters. This has taught me a valuable lesson and I will certainly be paying more attention in the future.
My exhortation to you today is to do the same. Look around you, take stock and really take life in. Don't let it pass you by.
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Perfect timing for this perfect blog. I'm seeing line ups now for passport photos and excitement's in the air. I'll stick with travel by train, which works fine for me...except for getting to the UK to visit a few AE pals.
Oh and netherholm6@yahoo.com not the one below.
I also don't think I will fly again, however. I've never much liked it anyway.