Guest Post: Terri Giuliano Long
Today, Authors Electric is delighted, and honoured, to bring you a guest blog from American indie author , Terri Giuliano Long, who offers all indie-authors valuable advice based on experience. Indie Publishing: 7 Mistakes I Won’t Make Again When I published In Leah’sWake I had no idea what I was doing. I could barely get out of my own way. I’m grateful that, despite my dumb mistakes, readers and book bloggers gave my novel a chance. Today, as the number of books competing for attention increases, and the quality of indie books continues to rise, with many indie books rivaling those published by major New York houses, I might not be so lucky. When I publish my new novel, Nowhere to Run , this fall, I’m bound to make my share of mistakes. The industry is evolving and we’re all more or less feeling our way. Still, it’s foolish make the same mistake twice. Having learned from past errors, I’ll make adjustments. Here are 7 mistakes I’ll be sure to avoid: ...