I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. I am an unashamed romantic and
make no apologies for loving this time of year, the decorating, even
the baking and other preparations - but as always it was over in a
flash. Where does the time go? It seems like only a couple of months
since I was in this same position last year - the great thing about
posting at the end of the month is that in December it gives me the
chance to reflect on the year that's gone, and wish everyone a Happy
New Year. OK,
I know there are a few days left in the old year still but it'll be
nearer Valentine's Day than New Year the next time my blogging post
rolls round!

It's been something of a roller coaster year, with ups and a few downs. My dear on-line author friend Sharon Donovan, who was blind and suffered with diabetes was admitted for a second heart surgery. Sadly. there were complications and she passed away in April, a month before I was due to fly to Pennsylvania to meet her and another American writer friend. I made the trip anyway. Despite the sadness of her loss, I had a wonderful time.

It was my visit to America. Mary and I visited Sharon's lovely family and were shown her pretty little room where she wrote her stories. No one had been able to access her laptop, but her sister let me have a go and after several attempts it seemed like the password was whispered in my head and I got right in. On the hard drive we found the MS Sharon had been working on. A romantic suspense entitled 'Kiss Of Death.' With the help of her editor, this was published as an eBook on the 5th December and I'm thrilled to have had a hand in the revisions before its release. That was really the highlight of my year, to see the last book of my friend for sale on her publisher's website.
For the UK in general there were the Golden Jubilee Celebrations and the wonderful Olympic Games that proved Britain can still put on a spectacle. I'm not a great sports fan apart from Equestrianism, but even I felt a thrill of pride every time one of Team GB won a medal, and of course I was glued to the cross country, dressage and show jumping events and delighted they did so well.
Another 'high' was the Festival Of Romance in Bedford, where it was good to catch up with some more writer friends whom I hadn't seen since last year's event.
On the whole, more ups than downs, despite the summer being so wet I wasn't able to do as much with my beloved horses as I'd hoped. I did manage to do some writing, too, and hopefully I should have two books ready for publication by the end of 2013. Oh, and we managed to survive the predicted (by some though not the Mayans) 'end of the world' so there is much to be thankful for.
Happy New Year and may 2013 bring you all that you wish yourselves,
happy writing to my author friends and happy reading to
our faithful readers.
You can find out more about Lyn and her books on her WEBSITE
I'm so sorry to hear of the death of your friend Sharon Donovan - but how wonderful that you were able to discover her last book, take part in the editing and finally see it published.
Wishing you happiness and success in the coming year.
Returning your kind wishes, may 2013 be a very happy and successful one for you too.