Stinky Pants, Knock-0ff Spray, Smellin' Fine & Rose Cachet--Reb MacRath
Imagine that ebooks fall into four types, each of them with its own scent.
1) The first, of course, is the most common. And we may call it Stinky Pants:
Stinky is generally spotted about the same time that he's smelled. The insufferable odor is one of perversely proud despair: 'I'm not very good at this so there's no point up in cleaning up in any unmentionable places: cover design, book description, editing, proofing, etc. Some day, with a little work, I may become an amateur. Till then, support me, please, while I try to find time to learn how to write. This book's my first--be gentle, please. Just bend over and...inhale.'
Moving onward, thank you!
2) The second, more tolerable scent could be labeled Knock-Off Spray.
Like Walgreens' Instyle line of fragrances, these are knock-offs--or impressions--of authentic, best-selling colognes and perfumes. Just as the Walgreens versions smell, for several minutes, like the authentic brands, Discount Spray books smell like books by the authors that they're ripping off. And, like the Walgreens ripoffs, they have no staying power: you pay for an impression of an original product with soul. The books may be well-edited and carefully proofed, but at heart they're contented to clone. They look for proven successes, then spin. And so, on the Smell-ometer we must award them this:
And yet the air begins to clear as we move on to group three.
3) Some books put smiles on our faces because they really do smell fine.
Here, at a glance and a breath, we can tell we've moved on to the sweet spot: a compelling book cover, some decent reviews, riveting opening pages, crackerjack story description, etc. The price is affordable but not dirt cheap: $2.99, compared to thrift store ebooks priced at $.99 and $1.99. The author's Amazon page is impressive and his/her writing credentials are solid. And, refreshingly, the author doesn't boast of ripping off a popular movie or novel.
Let's be clear. This smells soooo good, it really does! But though we turn our heads to admire the scent, do we leap from our seats, friends, to follow? Do we drop what we're doing to purchase and read when so many other fine scents fill the air?
Sad to say, maybe not. But no need to despair, for we've come to group four.
4) Salvation depends on a fairly steep climb...over the the rich Rose Cachet.
There's no mistaking this cachet. Though you may have to search like hell, you'll know it when you find it. The scent's suffused with potential and power...confidence, boldness and faith. And when it's roaring through your veins, your own expression will mimic that of those who've been caught by the scent:
We need to continually study the difference between 3 and 4. And the more we think about it, the more firmly the Rose Cachet will take the lead: in our covers, our Author's page, our product descriptions, our promotional tacks and our pricing...also in the books we write. Readers will pay $3.99 or higher if the Rose Cachet is there.
Meanwhile, let today's mantra be:
1) The first, of course, is the most common. And we may call it Stinky Pants:
Stinky is generally spotted about the same time that he's smelled. The insufferable odor is one of perversely proud despair: 'I'm not very good at this so there's no point up in cleaning up in any unmentionable places: cover design, book description, editing, proofing, etc. Some day, with a little work, I may become an amateur. Till then, support me, please, while I try to find time to learn how to write. This book's my first--be gentle, please. Just bend over and...inhale.'
Moving onward, thank you!
2) The second, more tolerable scent could be labeled Knock-Off Spray.
Like Walgreens' Instyle line of fragrances, these are knock-offs--or impressions--of authentic, best-selling colognes and perfumes. Just as the Walgreens versions smell, for several minutes, like the authentic brands, Discount Spray books smell like books by the authors that they're ripping off. And, like the Walgreens ripoffs, they have no staying power: you pay for an impression of an original product with soul. The books may be well-edited and carefully proofed, but at heart they're contented to clone. They look for proven successes, then spin. And so, on the Smell-ometer we must award them this:
And yet the air begins to clear as we move on to group three.
3) Some books put smiles on our faces because they really do smell fine.
Here, at a glance and a breath, we can tell we've moved on to the sweet spot: a compelling book cover, some decent reviews, riveting opening pages, crackerjack story description, etc. The price is affordable but not dirt cheap: $2.99, compared to thrift store ebooks priced at $.99 and $1.99. The author's Amazon page is impressive and his/her writing credentials are solid. And, refreshingly, the author doesn't boast of ripping off a popular movie or novel.
Let's be clear. This smells soooo good, it really does! But though we turn our heads to admire the scent, do we leap from our seats, friends, to follow? Do we drop what we're doing to purchase and read when so many other fine scents fill the air?
Sad to say, maybe not. But no need to despair, for we've come to group four.
4) Salvation depends on a fairly steep climb...over the the rich Rose Cachet.
There's no mistaking this cachet. Though you may have to search like hell, you'll know it when you find it. The scent's suffused with potential and power...confidence, boldness and faith. And when it's roaring through your veins, your own expression will mimic that of those who've been caught by the scent:
We need to continually study the difference between 3 and 4. And the more we think about it, the more firmly the Rose Cachet will take the lead: in our covers, our Author's page, our product descriptions, our promotional tacks and our pricing...also in the books we write. Readers will pay $3.99 or higher if the Rose Cachet is there.
Meanwhile, let today's mantra be: