The Book that wasn't Written by Zombies: N M Browne
However, I recently sent a book out to a
couple of small presses and was slightly perturbed by the result. Now, I don’t
actually mind a book being rejected – or rather after I have stomped around the
house, kicking my non existent cat and swearing at my existent husband – I accept
that my writing is not for everyone. I have never sold in the kind of
quantities that will make a publisher rich beyond the dreams of even moderate
solvency, let alone avarice.
The book I was trying to sell is well
written, if I say it myself, but is a rather complicated post apocalyptic story
about a young girl coming of age. As a creative writing lecturer, I have come
across any number of these and I have no doubt that a bored submissions’ reader
would glance at my synopsis and yawn. It is not a bad book or I wouldn’t be trying
to sell it, but it isn’t high concept and though it is barbed, as all my
stories are, it lacks any obvious hook. I was disappointed when I received a
rejection email from some reasonably obscure publisher but not that surprised:
it happens and even I didn’t believe this book would sell in enormous quantities.
What shocked me was the feedback.
There is too much passive
voice (was, were, am, is, etc.). We recommend removing all instances of these
verbs and replacing them with active verbs.
Well, I kind of see what was meant. I did use passive voice once to describe the
action of a violent storm on a barge: you are allowed to do that sometimes for
deliberate effect. However, the entire book was written in third person past
tense, which inevitably involves using the past tense of the verb ‘to be’.
Occasionally, people speaks to other people in the story and reasonably enough use the present tense
of the verb ‘to be’ too: ‘I am, she is ‘ - it is pretty well impossible to avoid. This is
not passive voice! Passive voice is quite easy to spot, as one very intelligent
facebook post pointed out, if you can add ‘by zombies’ after it, it’s passive voice so: ‘my text was evaluated
( by illiterate zombies)’ is passive voice. ‘I was distressed to discover that the person
who evaluated my text was an illiterate zombie’ is not, even though the verb ’was’
occurs in both sentences. Did you see what I did there?
is inevitable as a writer. I don’t like it, but I accept it will happen - like death and taxes. The press has recently been full of rejection letters sent to the famous and successful so everyone knows that the publisher's process is both flawed and subjective. Nonetheless I do think
that as writers we have a right to expect that the people who read our work and
judge us have something of a clue about the business of writing or If they know
nothing about the technicalities are honest enough to say, ‘I didn’t enjoy your
book.’ Not liking something is a good
enough reason to reject it. But please Ms or Mr Unpaid New Intern don’t try to
give half baked advice about something you clearly know nothing about. I am
old, published, embittered and generally cynical, but I would be very upset if
anyone felt that as a result of an ill judged email they were obliged to avoid,
‘was’, ‘ were’, ‘am’ and ‘is’!
Is I not right?