Working as two: what it's like to co-author by Tara Lyons
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Though these women look quite pleased with themselves, I must admit, it's not myself and Mel |
After speaking to a variety of authors online, I’ve come to realise co-writing isn’t for everyone. Some even say it would be their worst nightmare. And I can totally understand that. Having someone grill your work, edit it and not agree with your ideas could be frustrating. But look at it from a different perspective and it could mean that person is enhancing what you’ve written and enriching your ideas.
I find myself in a lucky position. I am working with an experienced author who has published over 35 books in five years and definitely knows her craft. Mel works with a passion and drive that is inspirational. It also helps that I think her many series of books are fantastic. For Mel, she says she saw something in my writing that she hadn’t really seen in any other newcomer’s work. But, we also get along as friends first and I think that’s important. We have similar tastes, expectations and ideas, we’re both Geminis and enjoy crime TV programmes and we’ve been known to sing along to Lionel Ritchie on a road trip. You have to trust and respect the person you’re going to co-author with.
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The Caller was published on June 16th |
The Caller was created by each of us writing chunks of the book and editing each other’s work as we went. Hopefully it reads as a seamless story, but you also hear both of us as authors in there too. Obviously it’s not all smelling of roses, and during the editing process myself and Mel went back and forth on how we thought a certain scene or dialogue should unfold. Sometimes we had different ideas. But, we worked together to devise the best from both our ideas and we hope that’s reflected when you read The Caller. Mel and I live over three hours apart so we don’t get to see each other often. But we do talk everyday – sometimes about our books and sometimes about life in general – and open communication is definitely the key.
Even if you think co-writing isn’t for you, I would definitely encourage you to have a writing “buddy.” An author friend you can talk to – again about books or life in general – who is honest and trustworthy. Writing can be a lonely job, so it’s great to have that shoulder, even a virtual one, to lean on, share with and occasionally have a complete rant to.
If you're interested in finding out more about The Caller, here are the links:
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