The Creative Muse -- J.D. Peterson

Oh, the joy of being a writer! The journey of shaping a story, of bringing our characters to life and watching them dance across the pages. At times the writing is frustrating, other times it is motivating. Writing is a process custom-made for our creative brains and the visions we translate
into language and words.

After our manuscript is complete, we dive into the process of creating a cover design. Finding the perfect artwork or a photograph, choosing fonts and colors... This can be frustrating, but it can also be so much fun!

Watching thoughts take form and materialize into the real world.  Holding our newly released novel in our hands for the first time as our creative process comes to fruition – Isn't that what really sparks our creative soul to life?

At the heart of what we do as writers is CREATE. The dictionary defines 'create' as something "to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary process. To evolve from one's own thought or imagination as a work of art or an invention."

Where would this world be without the creative mind?

The classic novels that carry our imaginations into the world of Frankenstein, or down into the center of the earth – or to experience true love and a happily-ever-after. But novels only address the written word facet of the creative muse. Artwork, clothing designs, floral displays, and Tesla inventions, all arise from the inspiration of the creative mind.

As we sit down at our writing station to bring our ideas into form, we are delivered a box full of real and mental 'rules'.
Don't write like this or you break a rule!
Don't punctuate like that, or you'll break another rule!
No one wants to be called a dummy, so we follow along.

Of course, our writing must be coherent, but we should also develop our own style as we strive to develop a scene or resolve a conflict in our story. More often than not that means breaking free of the toolbox we hold so dear.

Here is one idea I picked up from Stephen King, who certainly has penned enough novels to break the writing rules. Stephen says: "Do write one-word sentences." I really like that advice. I'm certain there are many other suggestions that would appear to break the mold of the common writing form and sentence construction, which we so carefully and mindfully pen.

In the world of art, Pablo Picasso comes to mind with his misshapen figures and faces. Mr. Picasso certainly did not follow any set rules, and yet his artwork goes for
millions of dollars (GBP and Euros for my friends across the pond.) What a risk he took by expressing himself in such an unusual and controversial fashion!

I must conclude that creativity involves courage. The courage to follow the creative muse down a path that has never been explored. I can only imagine how many negative opinions Pablo encountered along the way in his creative journey.

May I congratulate you on finding your courage and delving into the adventure of writing. Of putting your ideas down on a piece of paper for all the world to witness, read and experience! Kudo's! Good, Bad or somewhere in the middle – you did it!

Today, let me reignite the idea of creative freedom in your heart.
Dump out your box of writing should's and should not's – if only for a moment.
Abandon patterns and techniques you hold most dear – if only for one sentence.
Let your inner child take over!
Write something just for fun!

Now that's a NOVEL idea!

Photo Credits:
Man in Box Photo - Tony Porter
Writer writing - Jo Michaels Blog
