May Have Broken The Cycle - Lynne Garner

Last month I wrote about a slight aversion I have to making the first mark in a 'lush' note book.  I stated (perhaps rashly) that I'd let you know how it went with the newest note book I'd purchased. Well I'll be honest it's still sitting on my desk looking lovely and untouched. However breaking news... during the first week of September I took a short holiday and treated myself to a lovely note book (spiral bound, lovely owl themed print on both covers, inside covers a gorgeous dark purple, lovely feeling pages etc.) and I've written in it!

It may be because we were in the middle of the New Forest enjoying being pampered in a posh hotel but the pages now contain:

  • A reworking of an old picture book story that wasn't quite working 
  • A new picture book story that came from 'one' of those conversations you have at night in the bar
  • Notes for the last story in my latest collection of short stories featuring the trickster character Coyote (which I've been trying to complete for the last nine months) 

Possible cover for new ebook due out in November 
Not content with this I took this note book on my last train journey. A couple of writing friends were taking part in an event (Writing Great Books For Children) and I'd decided to brave the weather and provide some moral support. So I used the journey to complete the last Coyote story, which is now being edited/proofed by the fab Hilary Johnson.  

Last but not least this note book also contains the notes for this blog post (written between teaching sessions) plus notes for the first story of Coyote Tales Retold - volume two. So it looks as if I may have broken the cycle of treating myself to yet another 'lush' note book that never gets written in. The real test will be when this note book becomes full. Will I be able to reach for the previous note book and write in that to? Time will tell.  



P.S. My online courses which start at the end of this month with Women On Writing:
How to write A children's book and get published
5 picture books in 5 weeks
How to write a hobby-based how to book


Just for other addicts out there, I recently found the most beautiful notebooks in Paperchase - brown Kraft covers with ladybirds, and butterflies that run along the edges of the (unlined) pages as well as on the covers. Inexpensive too. They've joined the pile.
Lydia Bennet said…
I don't get this notebook thing, my problem is I leave them elsewhere and never have one with me if I get an idea and have to scrawl weird shorthand on old theatre tix. However I do have a compulsion, inherited from my background, to keep any new clothes 'for best' so they hang there unworn for months or years, even if they are £11 jeans from Peacocks.

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