Goodnight, and Good Luck - with your bids at the Children in Read charity book auction! - by Alex Marchant

 This is my last regular blog post for Authors Electric, so I would like to say farewell and thank you to everyone who has read and commented on my posts over the past couple of years, and for the support of both my fellow author/bloggers and readers.

It’s been an exciting time for me since publishing my first children’s novel The Order of the White Boar in October 2017, and I’ve enjoyed sharing the ups and downs of life as a newbie indie author with you all. But I’ve come to realize that a commitment to writing a monthly blog results in time spent away from getting on with the novel writing itself (which is already rather far down the pecking order in terms of time spent). So I’ve sadly decided to call it a day.

But I’m calling it a day on a day when the launch has happened of a wonderful charity auction of books! For the next 62 days, until the Friday that is the annual BBC Children in Need day, an auction of more than 500 titles across a range of genres will be underway at

Children in Read was started several years ago by Paddy Heron to run alongside and raise money for Children in Need (for more details of the latter and its 30+ years of fundraising, go to, and so far it has raised many thousands of pounds. This year’s auction was launched at midnight and after only 14 hours the total so far bid already stands at more than £2,200.

The books and other items on offer (mostly signed) cover every genre you could think of and have been donated by myriad authors, including many who are stratospherically famous alongside others who are less so. This year they include authors from Phillip Pullman to Nigella Lawson, and from Carole Matthews to Robbie Fowler and Mary Beard. And of course yours truly (not yet in the stratospheric category…). 

I’m delighted to have a signed copy of The Order of the White Boar on offer. You can find it at Lot 122, in the ‘historical fiction’ section, rather than under children or young adult, so I’m rubbing shoulders with the likes of Bernard Cornwell and Maggie O’Farrell, who has of course just won the 2020 Women’s Prize for Fiction for her ‘masterful’ Hamnet (the book on offer here – I doubt the current bid of £11 will win…).

So be sure to take yourself off to the auction page and browse the many titles on offer. You’re bound to spot one or two (or far more) that would be a joy to read and enhance your bookcases. And of course, it’s all in an exceptionally good cause too. Good luck with your bids!

And thank you again for spending time with me and my musings over the past two and half years. Should you wish to keep up to date with my writing (work on ‘King in Waiting’ is now rounding the final corner and about to kick on to the home straight), please do sign up to my blog at, find me on Facebook at, follow me on Twitter at or Instagram at AlexMarchantAuthor or Amazon at

Take care and stay safe everyone!

Alex Marchant is author of two books telling the story of the real King Richard III for children aged 10+, The Order of the White Boar and The King’s Man, and editor of Grant Me the Carving of My Name and Right Trusty and Well Beloved…, two anthologies of short fiction inspired by the king, sold in support of Scoliosis Association UK (SAUK). 

Alex’s books can be found on Amazon at:
Instagram: AlexMarchantAuthor


Eden Baylee said…
Wishing you all the very best in your writings Alex!

Stay well,
Umberto Tosi said…
Sad to see you go, Alex, and best of luck with your new work.
Alex Marchant said…
Thank you Eden and Umberto - stay safe and well both!