How not to give the IRS 30% of everything you earn! - Cally Phillips
This information applies to those of us who DON'T live in the US - or as we are prosaically known by Amazon etc ALIENS. So if you are an alien, read on. I've put it up just in case there is anyone out there who still does not know
that if you aren’t on the ball then selling either books (Createspace) or ebooks (KDP) on Amazon in
America will result in them taking 30% of your royalties… I thought I’d just
run through this little lesson in confusion. It's not simplez. You do have to keep your wits about you, but then it's saving you money so...
Step One. In order
NOT to pay tax to the IRS (that’s the US Tax service) you first have to
register with the IRS. Yes, I know… what
can I say? It is the most ridiculous thing in the world but then if you don’t,
you’ll be giving 30% of everything you earn to the US Tax system. And since you
are already giving at least (probably) some 30% to Amazon (and therefore
corporate America) you may want to think twice before giving away any more.
So. You need to gird your loins. It’s not what one
would call TOTALLY straightforward, but
if you ever filled out benefits claim forms in the 70’s or 80’s (or more
recently tried to get any kind of pension entitlement form filled out) then you’re
well on the way there. Get a large
beverage. Put on your reading glasses (for the small print) and do whatever you
need to do to tell yourself you’re not going to ‘lose the plot’ for 20 minutes
and you’re ready to go.
Step Two. Download the Form.
I always think of this as a FFS form, though it’s actually called a FSS4 form. I’d seriously advise that you also
download the INSTRUCTIONS because without them you’ll spend time wondering how
to fill in all sorts of boxes only to realise later that because you are NOT
paying tax to US you don’t actually need to. Sigh. Again.
Step Three. Okay. Got
the form. It looks like this

Step Four. Decide
whether you are a BUSINESS or an INDIVIDUAL.
Well, really, you need to decide that even if you are an individual you
are actually a BUSINESS because it’s much quicker and easier. And if you are an
author then you should be SELF EMPLOYED as such and in that case YOU are your
business. What of it? Well, this means
that you can apply for an EIN. It asks
you that in line 7b.
Step Five. Let’s run
through those first lines. I’m assuming you are capable of filling in your (or
your business) name, address and post code etc. So that’s got you from Lines 1-6. Oh, you must write UNITED KINGDOM in 6 - not UK. They can’t handle shortening
things. Not the IRS. (more cack handed
Step Six. Deep breath.
Fill in EIN in line 7b. Now you are
committed (and probably should be)
Step Seven. Line 9. You have
to decide what you are. Probably other
if you are a self employed or limited company (UK)
Step Eight. Line 10. You
everything else. You can then whizz down
to line 18 where (assuming it’s the case) you can let them know you HAVEN’T
applied for an EIN before – or their system will blow up.
Then you have to SIGN on the non dotted line and you’re good
to go.
NOW. How to actually get it to them? Well, if you are in a
hurry and have the skill to work out international numbers you can call them
and talk through the ‘lines’ you filled in.
Personally I’m too mean to pay international rates. If you have a FAX machine (wow, do they still
exist) or can work out how to fax from your computer (and can work out the
international code) you can do that. OR you can simply send them the completed
form in the post. The first option takes
as long as a phone call. The second option takes about 4 days. The third option
takes about 4 weeks. So it’s up to you.
How quickly do you need your EIN number?
Word of warning. When you DO get the number you should put
it somewhere safe, probably tattoo it on your forehead or something because if
you LOSE it or can’t REMEMBER IT ever you will incur the full wrath of the IRS
and that’s unimaginable.
Once you’ve completed these several stages you have up to
four weeks to have a nice cup of coffee, recover from the procedure and prepare for...
PART TWO of the great adventure. This is
the form you have to fill in for Amazon in order that THEY KNOW you are not a
US taxpayer and will therefore not take off the 30%.
This form is called W-8BEN And you do have to fill it in
accurately or they’ll kick it straight back at you. Courteously of course but none the less, it’s
a pain.
So. This form. Also has downloadable instructions. Here’s the form in all its glory.

Part 2 you just have to check a and b and then you’re good
to go. Sign it under pain of perjury and
this one you have to mail to them. And wait.
Oh. And of course you have to do this SEPARATELY for Kindle
Direct Publishing AND CREATESPACE. They are fundamentally different businesses
and so you have to deal with each one direct.
But after all that fun filling out one W8-BEN why wouldn’t you want to
fill out two? Fortunately, the IRS FSS
form only has to be filled out once.
When you become a TIN (which is effectively just the EIN umbrella name)
you are that number for EVER. So,
remember, don’t lose that number.!
For those who want to go into more detail, here is the CREATESPACE information direct from source. (Well hidden in the royalties section)
Tax Withholding
Tax withholding is calculated based on the gross amount of your payment, before taking into account any costs associated with receiving payment., CreateSpace eStore, and Expanded Distribution
The U.S. IRS requires CreateSpace to collect up to 30% from royalty payments issued to non-U.S. entities. The tax withholding will automatically be deducted from your royalties when they are paid.
You may be eligible for a reduced rate of U.S. tax withholding if your country of permanent residence - the country where you claim to be a resident of for purposes of that country’s income tax - has an income tax treaty with the U.S. The list of tax treaty countries and applicable rates can be found on pages 40 and 42 of the IRS Publication 515, in the “copyrights” column.
Amazon Europe
If you provide a Form W-8BEN to certify that you are a non-U.S. person, U.S. tax withholding will not be applied to your non-U.S. royalties from Amazon Europe sales. If you do not certify that you are a non-U.S. person, you may be subject to U.S. taxwithholding on your Amazon Europe royalties.
CreateSpace is required to collect a Form W-8BEN from all non-U.S. publishers who are receiving royalties. The purpose of the form is to:
Tax Withholding
Tax withholding is calculated based on the gross amount of your payment, before taking into account any costs associated with receiving payment., CreateSpace eStore, and Expanded Distribution
The U.S. IRS requires CreateSpace to collect up to 30% from royalty payments issued to non-U.S. entities. The tax withholding will automatically be deducted from your royalties when they are paid.
You may be eligible for a reduced rate of U.S. tax withholding if your country of permanent residence - the country where you claim to be a resident of for purposes of that country’s income tax - has an income tax treaty with the U.S. The list of tax treaty countries and applicable rates can be found on pages 40 and 42 of the IRS Publication 515, in the “copyrights” column.
Amazon Europe
If you provide a Form W-8BEN to certify that you are a non-U.S. person, U.S. tax withholding will not be applied to your non-U.S. royalties from Amazon Europe sales. If you do not certify that you are a non-U.S. person, you may be subject to U.S. taxwithholding on your Amazon Europe royalties.
CreateSpace is required to collect a Form W-8BEN from all non-U.S. publishers who are receiving royalties. The purpose of the form is to:
- Establish that you are not a
U.S. person
- Claim that you are the
beneficial owner of the income for which Form W-8BEN is being provided or
a partner in a partnership subject to section 1446; and
- If applicable, claim a reduced
rate of, or exemption from, withholding as a resident of a foreign country
with which the United States has an income tax treaty
Steps to Submit Form W-8BEN
1. Complete Form W-8BEN using IRS W-8BEN Instructions (see examples
2. Sign the form in Part IV - an original signature is required
3. Write your CreateSpace Member ID in the top margin of the form to match it to your account (found on your Member Dashboard)
4. Send the signed original version to:
2. Sign the form in Part IV - an original signature is required
3. Write your CreateSpace Member ID in the top margin of the form to match it to your account (found on your Member Dashboard)
4. Send the signed original version to:
c/o AP Tax
PO Box 80683
Seattle, WA 98108-0683
c/o AP Tax
PO Box 80683
Seattle, WA 98108-0683
You will receive confirmation by email once your form has been
processed. Forms received on, or before the 10th of each month will be
processed for regular month end payments. Forms received after the 10th will
apply to the following month’s payments. Refunds will not be issued for taxes
Examples of Completed W-8BEN Forms
Examples of Completed W-8BEN Forms
- Individual - Not Claiming Tax
Treaty Benefits
- Non Individual - Not Claiming Tax
Treaty Benefits
- Individual -
Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits
- Non Individual -
Claiming Tax Treaty Benefits
Tips for successfully submitting your W-8BEN
- Write the Member ID in the
top margin of the form. Without this information, we’re unable to process
your form.
- If you are applying for a
reduced rate of U.S. tax withholding as described above in “Claiming a
lower rate of withholding”, a U.S. TIN is required.
- Be sure to enter your
information in the correct fields and don’t abbreviate country names.
- Provide an original ink
signature in the appropriate section (we’re unable to accept copies).
- Sending the form via regular
mail can take several weeks. We recommend sending the form with tracking
information to confirm its arrival to our office.
Applying for a U.S. TIN (Taxpayer
Identification Number)
A U.S. TIN may be an EIN (for individuals and business entities) or an ITIN (for individuals only). We do not require non-U.S. persons to provide a U.S. TIN. However, entering your “Payee Country” and selecting a “Business Type” in the Royalty Payment Profile is required before royalty payments may be initiated.
For Individuals and Non-Individual Entities: Employer Identification Number (EIN)
An EIN may be obtained by filing Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number. The application may be completed over the telephone in one session by calling (267) 941-1099. The application may also be completed by fax in approximately 4 business days and by mail in approximately 4 weeks. For more information, see:
How to Apply for an EIN
Form SS-4 Instructions
Example Form SS-4
A U.S. TIN may be an EIN (for individuals and business entities) or an ITIN (for individuals only). We do not require non-U.S. persons to provide a U.S. TIN. However, entering your “Payee Country” and selecting a “Business Type” in the Royalty Payment Profile is required before royalty payments may be initiated.
For Individuals and Non-Individual Entities: Employer Identification Number (EIN)
An EIN may be obtained by filing Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number. The application may be completed over the telephone in one session by calling (267) 941-1099. The application may also be completed by fax in approximately 4 business days and by mail in approximately 4 weeks. For more information, see:
How to Apply for an EIN
Form SS-4 Instructions
Example Form SS-4
You can get the forms from the links here and then just fill in another W8-BEN for
KDP when you get your EIN through.
Enjoy. When you've completed this, relax with a good book for a while and wait for the royalties in their
entirety to just flood in!!!
Amazing job!
Also, if you have IRS questions, the US Embassy, at least here in Germany, has a department which can be very helpful with advice over the phone. If you can actually get them on the phone, that is...
Lee - glad to know it's as complicated for US citizens as it is for us!!! Good luck!
thanks, cally. wonderful as ever.
Kathleen - it's no harder as Ltd company actually (you don't have to decide if you're an ein or itin you ARE an ein and beyond that you just have to ignore more questions not fill them out!)
Catherine is right. If you aren't phonophobic and have the billpayers permisssion for an international call you can do IRS in one phone call!) Then it's just the Amazon form to fill out twice (once for embooks and once for createspace)
Lee and Dan - sorry, my expertise doesn't extend to shutting the stable door once the horse has exited stage left. Shame on you for giving up your hard earned money to the IRS (if you have!!)
Jan is right of course - don't sell in america and live off Xmas pud (except for me - if I eat more than a teaspoon of Xmas pud I am likely to die so quickly that I won't be needing to fill in any forms ever again. Unless there is something about death and the afterlife I've missed in the small print!
Anyway, into every life a little form filling must fall and if it's saving money, surely that's a good enough reason to GET TO IT!