Goodbye from me - by Tara Lyons

I've loved sharing all my bookish experiences with all at AE
I posted my first blog for Authors Electric in April 2016, just a month after I'd self-published my debut solo book. I felt a great sense of belonging - reading other author's posts, having a new monthly "deadline" and sharing my bookish experiences with everyone involved with AE. In the past year and a half, that feeling hasn't changed, although my situation has.
My son finally entered the world of full-time education, and while that sounds like I should have more time on my hands, I haven't. It's quite a surreal feeling to be given more "free" hours each day, yet feel you're still not getting enough done.

But, not only am I using this time to write the fourth book in my series, I've also taken on a new project that will mean I can continue to work from home and keep my working fingers in the proverbial publishing pie.
Sadly, that does mean something has to give. And with the new, increasing deadlines, I'm sorry to say I will be stepping back from my monthly blog posts on Authors Electric. I'd just like to thank the team, who have helped me publish a few short stories in the AE anthologies, and who are a fantastic bunch of people. I'll be stopping by whenever I can to catch up with the posts.
So, in the words of Cilla, ta-ra for now (and if you'd like to follow what I'm up to next, stay tuned to my Amazon Author page).


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Umberto Tosi said…
Sorry to see you go, Tara. I've enjoyed your posts. Hope to see you again on these pages one way or another in the future. Good luck with your series!
Fran B said…
Go, Tara! All the best.
Unknown said…
Thank you so much!
Enid Richemont said…
Go well, Tara. You will be missed.