Nine Things I Learned Along the Way • Lynne Garner
My new updated cover |
It always takes longer than you think! So, be patient you'll get there in the end.
Take time to get the right cover and if you can then get someone to design it for you. Also remember to think about what it'll look like as a thumb nail image.
Keep up-to-date with all your paperwork. Especially the important stuff for example W-8BEN (this ensures you don't pay US tax). To find out how to complete this form click here.
Keep an eye on your sales. The resellers for example KDP don't always get it right and don't be afraid to get them to check. I've done this three times and on one occasion they discovered I was correct and I received a nice little back payment.
Sell your book in every format you can get it into and on every platform. Why miss out on the chance to sell your book? It can take time to achieve this but I've found it's worth it. I've still not managed to turn my books into audio books, but it's being planned for next year.
I've found one of the best places to sell my paperbacks is at the talks I give to local groups such as the WI or the U3A. So, when the booking is made I always ask if it's ok to bring my books. Sometimes I may sell none whilst on some nights the sales go into double figures.
To make your book the best it can be get it professionally proofed/edited.
If you're creating a paperback version then order a proof and check every page. I've done this every time and even though the digital version is checked and rechecked something always sneaks in.
Research the keywords and categories for your book on Amazon and the other platforms before you upload your book. Or if you're like me and the genre you write in is the same or very similar then keep a note of those you've used before. It'll save time when you come to upload your manuscript.
I hope this has been useful. And if you've learned anything during your adventure with self publishing please feel free to share.
Check out my various collections of short stories (available as ebooks and paperback):
Fox of Moon Meadow Farm (ebook 99p/99¢ - 10 stories)
Fox of Moon Meadow Farm (ebook 99p/99¢ - 10 stories)
Hedgehog of Moon Meadow Farm (ebook 99p/99¢ - 10 stories)
Ten Tales of Brer Rabbit (ebook 99p/99¢ - 10 stories)
Ten Tales of Coyote (ebook 99p/99¢ - 10 stories)
I'm sure there's more but it's remembering it all.