Just Too Good To Write In - Lynne Garner

In my blog post last month I commented about notebooks that are just too nice to make a mark in and a number of comments were left. This got me asking myself what makes a notebook too nice? So I grabbed my notebook (one that isn’t too nice to scribble in) and started to make a list of things that a ‘lush’ notebook must have. My list included:  
  • A hard cover with either a lovely design or an extremely tactile texture.
  • Decorated ends papers are a must.
  • A ribbon that can be used as a book mark bound into the spine is always a plus.
  • Size does matter when it comes to notebooks. I find A4 too clumsy too work with so either an A5 or even A6 notebook for me. The A5 will sit on my desk whilst the A6 is just the right size to be popped into my bag.
  • I’m with Catherine Czerkawska with regards to unlined paper, which for me has to be matt and smooth. Although a faint line is acceptable if the rest of the notebook ticks all my other must haves.
  • A way to fasten closed is also nice. This can either a piece of ribbon or string you wind around a button or something similar.
  • I do like a small picture in the corner which becomes an amusing animation if you flick the pages quickly enough.
  • Last but not least it’s nice if it’s hand-made by a crafter and you purchase directly from them rather than from a large chain store.  

Whilst writing my list him-in-doors asked what I was writing so I read him my list. Wearing his NLP head (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) he suggested a few ways others and myself can beat this aversion to using certain notebooks (apparently they are for writing in – which was surprising news). He suggested as soon as you purchase said ‘lush’ notebook or receive it as a gift one of the following should be done:
  • Write an inspirational quote, a lyric from your favourite song or a verse from your favourite poem on the first page.
  • Jot down a goal, a dream, an aspiration etc. in it.
  • Decide to make it a gratitude diary. So each day you fill it with something you are thankful for. This can be anything from having the pleasure of seeing a red kite circling in a clear blue sky to winning a million on the lottery.
  • Create a reward for yourself which  you only receive when you make that first mark on the first page.

To test his theory I've purchased myself a very nice notebook and I’ll let you know how it goes. If any of those reading this post also have a stash of notebooks that have only ever been stroked please let me know if any of the suggestions above allow you to bring yourself to make that first mark.



My online courses via Women On Writing: 

I also write for the Picture Book Den and as the name suggests focuses on picture books plus The Hedgehog Shed, which is all about hedgehog rescue.


Wendy H. Jones said…
I suppose it is like writing a book. Write some g mad the rest will become easier. I like his suggestions. I too have a stash of notebooks which I think are too nice to write in
I'm so with you on all this. I too have a pile of notebooks that are too good to write in. T K Maxx is my current downfall. There's always one that's irresistible! But eBay is a very good source as well for anyone who wants to feed the habit.
Lydia Bennet said…
What a lovely fun post! I like your self-deprecating jokes! I tend not to carry notebooks because I have to minimise what I carry around (disability, weight of stuff etc) but even if I station them all round the house and in the car they either remain empty or have Sainsbugs lists in them.
Debbie Bennett said…
I can't ... I just can't. Is there a notebooks-anonymous club where I can get help?

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