The Runaway Chapatti by Susan Price

The Runaway Chapatti, by Susan Price, Illustrated by Adam Price

Here it is at last!

After much discussion, arguing, editing, proofing, arguing - well, this is a PriceClan production - alterations, rewriting, arguing - the chapati is on the run again.

It's been out of print for a while, but the wonders of indie-publishing make it possible for me to bring it back.

There has been a bit of delay in getting the book on sale. It's a collaboration between me and my brother Adam, the illustrator. For the sake of convenience, it was published from Adam's CreateSpace account - and that caused the problem.

To their credit rather than otherwise, Amazon almost immediately 'suppressed' the book (their term) while they checked whether either or both of us had the necessary rights. We both emailed them, quoting our membership numbers and explaining - and although I've heard nothing from Amazon, I see that the book is again available.

It's an early-reader book, making use of the story's repeated refrain to emphasise several basic words, such as 'Come back!'

One reason for republishing the book is that I'm frequently asked by teachers where they can buy copies - I had another enquiry a couple of days ago. There are second-hand copies on sale - on Amazon, where else? - for £88 each.

Educators of the nation! - You can now buy copies from Amazon or, if you're not allowed to place orders with them, you can order directly from my website, here.  
Meanwhile, the scaffolding is still up on PriceClan's other picture book, the Billy Goats Gruff, but I'm very happy with it, and hope the goats will be tripping, trotting and tramping along soon. 

So far, The Runaway Chapatti is only available as a paperback, but I hope it will be on Kindle . 

The Runaway Chapatti    UK       US 

My website - where other  books, such as The Wolf's Footprint and the Carnegie winning The Ghost Drum, can also be found for sale.


Wendy H. Jones said…
I like be the title. Thanks for the heads up about ownership. Iall the best with sales
Nick Green said…
I love the idea of a runaway chapatti. Sort of like the story of 'The Gingerbread Nan'?
Chris Longmuir said…
I love the cover and illustrations. Good luck with the sales.
Susan Price said…
Thank you all. Nick - love 'The Gingerbread Nan!'
Lydia Bennet said…
Good luck with this Sue, it looks great! You are lucky to have such a good artist in the family firm!
Leela said…

Looks amazing Susan, love the title and the illustrations. Must recommend it to my niece who has her 4 little kids.
Bill Kirton said…
Looks terrific, Susan, and it's a great title. I hope it does well. From the queries you've been getting, it sounds as if it will.
Dennis Hamley said…
Yes, the book looks terrific. Best of luck with it. Perhaps we should make a concerted AE approach to schools pointing out that they can get books in paperback now which have disappeared if onl they bite the bullet and buy from Amazon or direct from us.
Enid Richemont said…
So why out-of-print in the first place? And why the excessive prices for out-of-print copies in which the author gets no share? Grrrr!

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