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It was a dark and stormy night - Karen Bush
If you can't bear advertorial, then you'd better avert your gaze now ... because this month I am shamelessly promoting GHOSTS ELECTRIC. This is the fabulous new spooktacular anthology from the Dark Sparks who are to be found lurking in the shadows cast by Authors Electric, and it is out now, in plenty of time for Halloween. (And in even better time for Christmas, another traditional time for the sort of story that gives you horripilations as you read by the gloomy light of a gibbous moon ...)
It was never supposed to exist ... but the idea was spawned one dark and stormy night by Sue Price, who, like Mary Shelley, suggested that we try our hands at something a little bit seasonal. As it was Octoberish at the time, Halloween naturally sprang to mind ... But as I was already midway through rounding up the contributions for our annual fiction anthology Another Flash in the Pen, rather than being an 'instead of' volume it became an 'as well as' one. So that's two anthologies stuffed full of brilliant stories from us this year: consider yourselves spoiled. Oh, and don't look behind you now, but -