Writers Retreat • Lynne Garner

For a couple of years myself and better half have been talking off and on about what would make me a more productive writer. My reply (most of the time tongue in cheek) has been a house with no distractions and a very nice view.

Therefore, for the last few outings/holidays I've taken photographs of houses/properties I think may meet my criteria. As we live in hopes my premium bonds will win enough to purchase my ideal 'writing pad.'

So, these are just a few that have made it to the list so far.

I started think big! St Elizabeth's Castle, Jersey might do the trick. I'd have to put up with visitors part of the day but I would think when it's closed I'd get a lot of writing done.

Perhaps the house in line with the boat looks like it may be isolated enough (taken from a vantage point in Padstow).

Or maybe the large white house tucked away on it's own (on the right hand side of the photo) near Lulworth Cove would make me more productive. 

With this bay I'm not being fussy either of the two houses tucked away in the top right hand corner would defiantly, possibly, maybe make me a more productive writer. 

It's possible purchasing one of the holiday rooms at this country house (in the New Forest) would enable me to get my next WIP completed in record time. 

Although I'd have to keep away from the pond as the fish may see me. They have this ability to make you feel very guilty once you've run out of fish food! Making me less productive.

Now I've shared mine what would your ultimate writing pad look like?


Blatant plug time - Check out my latest two books (ebooks just 99p)


Umberto Tosi said…
Thank you for this writer's wishlist dream. My fantasy writing getaway would be a lair with an ocean view up along the magnificent rugged California coast off Highway 1 north of San Francisco.
Love this post! My daydreams about ideal writing locations have made me a a perfect procrastinator so this really resonated.

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